A common ‘look and feel‘ on the front covers of publications is critical to the building of a strong identity for the University.
The following elements should be applied correctly and consistently:
The NUS logo is to appear on the front or back cover in size not smaller than the minimum requirement of 20 mm.
Other guidelines on the application of the NUS logo, should also be adhered to.
The NUS‘ corporate typefaces, Frutiger / Verdana (for English text) or DFP Hei TM Simplified Chinese Std W / DF
Hei TM HK Traditional Chinese OT (for Chinese text)
should be used throughout for the headings and body text.
The NUS primary corporate colours, orange and blue, should be applied on the covers and inside pages but their proportions may be varied in each design.
Bars may be included in the designs, either at the top or bottom of the page, for placement of the NUS logo. These bars may be in the NUS orange, blue, black or white.
The following examples illustrate some design options that NUS departments may adopt. To have a more distinctive look, the bars may be varied in thickness and with a specific colour and/or a combination of the corporate colours.

Photo Resource Library: This library, available at the Office of University Communications, is set up as a shared service for the University community. It offers a collection of images of NUS heritage, campus scenes, architecture, significant events including official launches and openings, research, campus life and student activities including sports and cultural activities.
The campus community is welcome to browse through the images and use them for their websites, publications, banners and other publicity collaterals. Please contact Office of University Communications to arrange viewing access.